As we start to think about winter, it’s a great time to consider landscape upgrades and changes for the upcoming spring. While we are dreaming of plants and browsing catalogs, the internet or even asking well-meaning friends who share plants, it’s important to remember that our plant choices matter and can have consequences. Not only are all of these plants listed as an invasive species in Kentucky, many of them also have other issues and are dated. Sadly, most or all of these plants are still in the trade, being sold at garden centers and installed by landscapers. We can help stop the spread of these unwanted plants and care for our ecosystem with a few simple good decisions. Here 12 common plants to avoid and a few native alternative suggestions:
Mimosa Albizia julibrissin
Native Alternatives: Alternate-Leaf Dogwood, Red Buckeye, American Witch Hazel
Porcelain Berry Vine Ampelopsis brevipedunculata
Native Alternatives: Virgin’s bower, Trumpet honeysuckle, Passionflower, American Wisteria
Japanese Barberry Berberis thunbergii
Native Alternatives: Virginia Sweetspire, Arrowwood, Black Chokeberry
Sweet Autumn Clematis Clematis terniflora
Native Alternatives: Virgin’s bower, Trumpet honeysuckle, Passionflower, American Wisteria
Burning Bush Euonymus alatus
Native Alternatives: Chokeberry, Itea, Strawberry Bush, Spicebush, or Winterberry Holly
Wintercreeper Euonymus fortunei
Native Alternatives: Wild ginger, Allegheny Spurge, Ferns, American alumroot
Japanese Honeysuckle Vine Lonicera japonica
Native Alternatives: Crossvine, Trumpet honeysuckle, Passionflower, American Wisteria
Maiden Grass/Chinese Silver Grass Miscanthus sinensis
Native Alternatives: Switch Grass or Indian Grass
Heavenly Bamboo Nandina domestica
Native Alternatives: Winterberry, Coral Berry, Snow Berry, Beautyberry, American Holly, Chokeberry
Callery Pear Pyrus japonica
Native Alternatives: Serviceberry, American hornbeam, Chickasaw plum
Japanese Spirea Spiraea japonica
Native Alternatives: Steeplebush, Blueberry, Sweetspire, Chokeberry
Periwinkle Vinca Minor
Native Alternatives: Wild ginger, Allegheny spurge, Phlox, Ferns, Foam flower, American alumroot
Many great, native or non-invasive, non-native alternatives are available in addition to the options listed above. Remember to check the invasive lists (available through Kentucky Native Plant Society and Kentucky Invasive Plant Council. Happy holidays!


Invasive euonymus

Burning bush

Maiden grass